How to crochet a beautiful 3D heart (Free pattern with step by step pictures) / Como tejer un hermoso corazón (Patrón gratis y fototutorial)

crochet heart
Patrón original: Karla para "vivir vintage"

Buenísimas tardes, gente hermosa de mi corazón!!

Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un maravilloso y fácil patrón para tejer este corazoncito. Podrán usarlo para llavero, colgante, guirnalda o lo que mas les guste!

Hace poquito Raquel (de CosicasRaquel) me invitó a participar de su maravilloso blog con un patrón y yo le regalé este que aquí hoy publico llamado: "El corazón de Raquel"

Así que esta vez, para acceder al patrón en español, deberán ir a la casita de Raquel a verlo. Allá también estará el fototutorial para que no queden dudas, si?

Y aquí dejaré la versión en Inglés con fotos del paso a paso. 

Espero que les guste!! 

English pattern below!

crochet heart
Patrón original: Karla para "vivir vintage"

Pattern's name: Raquel's Heart
Author: Karla for "vivir vintage"
Level: Easy
Heart size: 2.36 inches


2 mm crochet hook
Pink cotton Yarn
1 mm macrame Yarn
Yarn needle
Fiberfill Stuffing

Heart (x2):
Pink Cotton Yarn

Round 1) Chain 3 (3)
Round 2) Single crochet, single crochet, chain 1. Turn work around. (2)
Round 3) Increase, increase, chain 1. Turn work around. (4)
Round 4) 1 increase, 2 single crochet, 1 increase, chain 1. Turn work around. (6)
Round 5) Increase, 4 single crochet, increase, chain 1. Turn work around.(8)
Round 6) Increase, 6 single crochet, increase, chain 1. Turn work around. (10)
Round 7) Increase, 8 single crochet, increase, chain 1. Turn work around.(12)
Round 8) Increase, 10 single crochet, increase, chain 1. Turn work around. (14)
Round 9) 14 single crochet. Turn work around. (14)

crochet heart
Patrón original: Karla para "vivir vintage"

It is time to crochet the upper part of the heart. Divide the stitches in half. Crochet first half, then second half.

Round 10) 7 single crochet, chain 1. Turn work around. (7)
Round 11) Decrease, 5 single crochet, chain 1. Turn work around. (6)
Round 12) Decrease, 4 single crochet, chain 1. Turn work around. (5)
Round 13) Decrease, 3 single crochet, chain 1. Turn work around. (4)
Round 14) Decrease 2 times. Fasten off.

Repeat rounds 10 to 14 in other haft.

crochet heart
Patrón original: Karla para "vivir vintage"

It is time to join 2 hearts. You can do this using single-crochet all around (as I did) or you can sew them using needle and cotton thread. Don't forget to fill with fiberfill stuffing before closing.

As a final detail you can crochet a small lace around. I did it using a 2.0 mm needle and macrame thread. If you want to do it repeat this pattern: 1 slip stitch, 4 stitches, 1 slip stitch, 4 stitches... keep doing this all around.

And this is it! Enjoy your beautiful 3d heart! You can use it as a keychain, as a garland, as a mobile, as a gift for Valentine's Day!

I hope you like it!

Looking for free patterns? Look below!

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